A lot of restaurants along the sea front in any holiday resort have people outside begging you to come in with a 'ThisIsWhatWeHaveTonightAndIWillTalkAsFastAsICanIn10Seconds' monologue, and some of them are really nice places to eat too.
A few years ago, Mum and Dad found this local spanish restaurant one evening when wandering towards the old port. There wasn't a a huge open front with tables showing, just a door with a name above it.
They took the plunge and went in to see what it had to offer.

We have been coming back ever since.
La Casa Del Parmigiano is one of those restaurants that tourists don't hear about so much, hidden back from the main road just enough for the crowd to not spot it. The majority of customers are locals, with the odd British holiday maker who has also found out our little secret.
Though you cant tell anyone either okay?
We walked grabbed a table out the back in the evening air to try and stay cool, and got the drinks in.
I was craving food after my Beach Sprints earlier in the morning, and dad is loading up on food ahead of the Ironman, so we grabbed a couple of starters to share amongst the table.
The cheese and cold meat platter, with a side of garlic bread.
Conversation soon turned to how dad was feeling about the Ironman, which is now only 2 days away.
Whilst we are a well oiled supporters machine (this is his 11th full Ironman, 9th in Lanzarote!), every year is a brand new moment where anything could go right or wrong very quickly. A few of the group have never witnessed an Ironman before, so this little heads up was perfect for what to expect.
Excitement, nerves, eager and confident were just some of the ways dad described how he felt.
Personally, I was really excited for what was about to be laid at our table.
Fillet steaks all around.
With cheese sauce...
Or, if you are like me then mushroom sauce ooozing at a perfect medium-rare.
This is why finding those small local restaurants are perfect when on holiday. The steak isn't beaten to within an inch of it's life and resembling a flip flop like some of the other places, and whilst you may pay a little more the quality is absolutely amazing.
I am even willing to say this is the best place for steaks I have ever been. Thats a big statement there isn't it!
You're going to have to forgive me here, because I had a bloggers fail right after main.
My camera died on me, so the deserts are from my iPhone.
Of course there was deserts...
Banana and cream cake for Dad, whilst Mum clapped her hands together in excitement when the profiteroles came out...
Jess went for the typical apple pie and ice cream (you can take the girl out of the country...)
Whilst I went for a traditional strawberries and cream. I know, very British but I was trying to stay a little healthy.
And trust me, it tasted so good!
We finished up, paid the bill and said goodbye to the staff, promising them we will be back again this week for another meal.
Here's my gift to you all. If you end up in Lanzarote, then you can find the restaurant right here. (Just keep it to yourselves though!)
Whilst the rest of the party went to bed, me and Amy went to hit up a couple of bars for some holiday cocktails and sparklers.
Amy's dress is from Topshop (Similar here) and my Top is from Zara (which, annoyingly, is no longer available but their tops are here), and matched with shorts from here.
We ended up in Ruta 66, which has been a regular for the Ironman-supporters clan over the years with man drunken memories there for as long as I can remember!
This visit was no exception, as we put away a cocktail or 4 and a few more drinks on top.
Thankfully there is no hangover when you are on holiday, which is perfect for what we have in store tomorrow.
A little suprise is on the way!
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