

The London Diary

I know I haven't written a post for a looonnggg time (part neglect, part NeverHadAMomentTo) so what is better than to quickly fill you in on whats been occuring!

I finally became a Londoner back in March, and since then have been finding my feet in the big city! The first day was daunting, moving into a new apartment in a big city and starting a brand new job. Coming from a small Wiltshire town, to staring up at this big sky scraper was scary enough, not to mention walking into a new place of work and meeting new people!

Luckily, where I work is fantastic, and the people are even better! )Who knew that having a bar on the 9th floor would be so convenient, or that I would rekindle my love for Nandos on a near-daily basis. What's more, I get to view London from my desk whilst working away. PERFECT start!

Over the next few weeks, I got to learn the position inside out, upside down, back to front, until I finally grasped everything and am ready to roll. The team I work with are brilliant, and all enjoy a bit of shopping too so even better! The social side isn't too shabby either, with work drinks and lunches always on an agenda. What's more, Thursday afternoon is wine afternoon, so sometimes a cheeky bottle will make it onto the desk.
Friday Night Drinks with the work crowd

There was even a chocolate surprise at easter!

So whilst work has been going great, the social side of being in London has been getting along too! Meeting LOADS of new people, catching up with old friends, and having friends visit from home have been taking up a lot of my time. The London Lifestyle has really taken ahold of me, with resturants and wine becomming very close friends of mine, and the bank balance becomming my enemy!

As time has gone on, I have really found my feet and starting to really get to know London, which I will share with you through here! From having drinks in Claridges, to attending the Attitude 18th Birthday, there is so much you can do!

This is definitely for me, and the only way I will slow down is if my body can't cope anymore. It's doing pretty well at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. such a great text! Really enjoyed reading it and looking forward to read more! :)
