

World Aids Day

Today is World Aids Day. A day to be marked with respect and remembrance for those who have suffered and lost their lives to this. I will let the facts speak for themselves...

 86,500 people in the UK are living with HIV right now.

42% of all the people in the UK currently living with HIV are gay or bisexual men.

27% of all the people in the UK currently living with HIV don't know they have it.

In 2010, 6,658 people contracted HIV. This may seem a small amount, but the number of friends and families it also affects is unlimited.

There is NO vaccine and NO cure for HIV.

Yet individuals are out there, spreading the virus not only through sexual activity but though other, malicious methods. This needs to stop.


Please share and help raise awareness, ensuring that future generations understand the effects and how to prevent this awful disease. Take a look at the World Aids Day website by clicking here, and you will see their fascinating work to help raise awareness to the disease. Their work and support for those diagnosed with HIV is exceptional.

Please give generously to the cause, as research continues everyday to help find a cure to this disease. Donations can be left here.

If you are unable to donate, then please post this ribbon on your social media profiles to help raise awareness and show respect.

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